What’s new in Scribe


These docs are for Scribe v2, which is no longer maintained. See scribe.knuckles.wtf/laravel for Scribe v3.


This page is aimed at users coming from mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator. It should give you an overview of what’s new in Scribe, and point you to the relevant documentation on each. Once you’re ready to migrate, check out the migration guide.

Scribe v1 comews with some new features and tweaks aimed at improving the developer experience and the quality of the output documentation. Let’s dive in!

Improved appearance

First off, the generated documentation has been given a UI refresh. We’ve made some cosmetic fixes like changing the custom font, removing the logo by default (relative paths and URLs are now supported too😃), switching from tables to explanatory paragraphs. You can check out the new look here. Of course, there’s still lots of room for improvement. If you can do some sick CSS, consider making a PR to knuckleswtf/pastel, as that’s where the templates live.

Authentication information 🔐

Scribe can now add authentication information to your docs! The info you provide will be used in generating a description of the authentication text, as well as adding the needed parameters in the example requests, and in response calls. See more here.

Describing responses

You can now give readers more information about the fields they can expect in your responses, by adding a description for what each field is.

Also, you can describe multiple responses with the same (or different) status code, but applying to different scenarios. See more details here.

Ability to add general API information

You can now customise the documentation title and the introductory text shown at the start of your documentation🙌. Full Markdown and HTML support, plus some nice little CSS classes to make things pretty. If you want to go even deeper and modify the output templates, we have some nice Blade components you can use. See the docs for details.

FormRequest support is back!🎉🎉🎉

Yes, you’ve wanted it for a long time, and it’s back.😄 We thought long and hard about how we could leverage what the framework gives to make devs’ lives easier, and we realized that even though FormRequests are for validation, not documentation, they still contain useful business logic we can extract. So we decided to bring this back (with some conditions, though👀), and we’re exploring ways to support other validation approaches. Head over to the docs to know what you need to do to leverage this.

Automatic routing for laravel docs

The autoload key in laravel config is now add_routes, and is true by default. This means you don’t have to do any extra steps to serve your docs through your Laravel app (if you’re using laravel type). Also, the routes will now be at /docs, not /doc. Details here.

Simplified commands

There’s no more rebuild command. We removed that, because it was confusing, even to us. Now there’s a single scribe:generate command that will skip any Markdown files you’ve modified, except you use –force. Details.

Enhanced API Resource and Transformers support

For both Eloquent API resources and league/fractal transformers, you can now specify relations to be loaded with your models, states to use when loading from factories, and pagination options. Factory operations now run in database transactions and use create(), so your related models should be created properly now. See the docs.

–env support

Okay, this isn’t actually new, but we thought we’d draw your attention to it. You can specify the .env file to be loaded when documenting (say, .env.docs) by passing in --env, as in php artisan scribe:generate --env docs. This can be very useful for response calls and fetching example models from test databases.

Reworked Strategy API

The API for creating strategies has been improved. Each strategy now has a stage property that describes the stage it belongs to (previously, this value was passed via the constructor, which didn’t make sense). There’s a new stage, responseFields, and the responses stage now supports another field, description. The requestHeaders stage has been renamed to headers.

Plus, there’s also a new scribe:strategy command that can help you easily generate strategies. And we now have a wiki containing a list of useful strategies contributed by community members. See the docs on plugins.

Other changes

A few other things that might interest some folk:

  • Closure routes can now be documented.
  • Binary responses can now be indicated
  • File upload inputs are supported, too
  • The output Markdown is now split across multiple files.
  • There are now a lot more ways to customize the generated docs.
  • You can now specify headers for a single endpoint with the @header annotation.
  • The default group is now called “Endpoints”.
  • If you’re interested in contributing, we’ve also added a guide for that. We’ve reworked the tests structure as well to make it easier to maintain.

Well, if you’re ready to get going, head over to the migration guide. We’ve done our best to describe what you need to look out for. Have a great day!👋