Migrating from mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator to Scribe v1


These docs are for Scribe v2, which is no longer maintained. See scribe.knuckles.wtf/laravel for Scribe v3.

There’s quite a few changes in Scribe, and this guide aims to show you the key parts you need to look out for so things don’t break. After migrating, you should also check out the list of new features.


This guide describes how to migrate to Scribe version 1. Scribe 2 is the current release, so you should follow the migration guide for that when you’re done with this.


  • PHP version: 7.2.5+
  • Laravel/Lumen version: 5.8+

Before you start

  • Remove the old package and install the new one:
composer remove mpociot/laravel-apidoc-generator

# For Laravel
composer require --dev "knuckleswtf/scribe:^1.0.0" 

# For Lumen
composer require "knuckleswtf/scribe:^1.0.0" 
  • Publish the new config file:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Knuckles\Scribe\ScribeServiceProvider" --tag=scribe-config

At this point, you should have both apidoc.php and scribe.php in your config folder. This is good, so you can easily copy your old config over and delete when you’re done.

If you’ve modified your generated Blade views, you should also publish the new ones:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Knuckles\Scribe\ScribeServiceProvider" --tag=scribe-views


If you’ve modified the generated Markdown or added prepend/append files, you should copy them to a separate folder (not in resources/docs). After generating the new docs, you’ll have to manually add your changes in.

After you’ve done all of the above, delete your resources/docs/ and public/docs folders, to prevent any conflicts with the new ones we’ll generate. If you’re using laravel type output, you can also delete resources/views/apidoc/.

Key changes

High impact

  • The postman.name key has been removed instead. Use the title key, which will set both Postman collection name and the generated doc’s HTMl title.
  • The laravel.autoload key is now laravel.add_routes, and is true by default.
  • The laravel.docs_url key is now /docs by default (no longer /doc). This means if you’re using laravel docs type, your docs will be at /docs and /docs.json.
  • The Markdown output is now a set of files, located in resources/docs. The route files are located in resources/docs/groups and are split by groups (1 group per file).
  • The rebuild command has been removed. Instead, if you want Scribe to skip the extraction phase and go straight to converting the existing Markdown to HTML, run php artisan scribe:generate --no-extraction.

Low impact

  • logo is now false by default, so no logo spot will be shown. Also, if you specify a logo, it will no longer be copied to the docs folder. Rather, the path to be logo will be used as-is as the src for the <img> tag in the generated doc. This means that you must use a path that’s publicly accessible. For example, if your logo is in public/img:

    • set 'logo' => '../img/logo.png' for static type (output folder is public/docs)
    • set 'logo' => 'img/logo.png' for laravel type

    You can also use a URL instead.

Advanced users

It’s a new package with a different name, so a few things have changed. This section is especially important if you’ve written any custom strategies or extended any of the provided classes.

  • Replace all occurrences of Mpociot\ApiDoc\Extracting\Strategies\RequestHeaders with Knuckles\Scribe\Extracting\Strategies\Headers
  • Replace all occurrences of Mpociot\ApiDoc with Knuckles\Scribe
  • For strategies, change the type of the $method argument to the __invoke method from ReflectionMethod to ReflectionFunctionAbstract to enable support for Closure routes. It’s a superclass of ReflectionMethod, so every other thing should work fine.
  • For each strategy, add a public $stage property and set it to the name of the stage the strategy belongs to. If you have a constructor defined, remove the $stage argument from it.
  • The requestHeaders stage has been renamed to headers.
  • If you’ve published the views, you’ll note that they are now in a different format. See the documentation on customising the views to see how things are organised now.

That should be all. Head on to the list of new features to see what’s new. If you come across anything we’ve missed, please send in a PR!